Last month’s theme, Creating Partnerships, we explored our relationship beliefs, which got me to thinking about our overall beliefs.

Given that thought… last month’s theme is a perfect segue into looking at our beliefs on a larger scale. 

I have begun this process of self-examination and as a woman who believes she is AWARE; I humbly announce I have had some new awareness’s. There is always room to grow.


I know we don’t want a life that magnifies our fears, doubts and worries.

I know what we do want is a life that reflects our truest essence.                                                   


We know that our life is a reflection of what we believe, so to create a life of beautiful reflections we need to hunker down and take a look at what it is we do believe.


As we did in the partnership series we will fill out sentence stems, quickly, without lingering over the: right way to answer. First thoughts are the most revealing…


I AM                                                                








Life is

Life is

Life is

Life is

Life is

Life is

Life is


What did you find out about yourself?

Who are you?

How do you perceive your reality?  


Did what you write express who you really are or want to be?


Did your answers reveal who you would rather not be?


Did your answers voice what someone else said you are?


If your answers felt good to you, wonderful, keep believing them, but if your answers did not feel good to you, represent your truest essence, then know that your beliefs can be changed, even strong, negative beliefs.


In the following weeks I will be sharing ways to shift from our untrue beliefs to our true beliefs, beliefs that reflect our true essence.

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