4 years ago today my Mother made her transition into the Other World.

Although I know, probably more than most with my gift of Connecting with the deceased, that she is alive and well, I still miss seeing, hearing, and touching her.

You’re probably like me and know, or at least hope, that your deceased loved ones are alive and well elsewhere, and you probably still miss their physical presence.

To ease our yearning for their physical presence here’s a Barrier Breaking truth. May it comfort you as it did me.

You never lose anyone:

No one is ever lost to you.

Everyone is a part of the eternalness of All That Is and cannot be gone.

Know that anyone you love is available to you if you will allow the connection.

To allow the connection you must calm yourself.

Once calm you can call that person to you by talking to him or her. Although you may not be able to hear or see or even feel your loved one, your loved one is very aware of you, and can see, hear and feel your emotions.

You may feel as if you are having a monologue, but your loved one is quite active in your conversation.

He or she is listening, and if your loved one feels the need to…will comment or touch you lightly.

If you will trust the truth that your loved one is quite aware of you and comes to you when called, the void you feel will lessen and your pain will lose some of its intensity.

For the truth is…you never lose anyone.

I’m happy to say that while taking my walk today I talked with my Mom, and I felt her presence. I also heard, “Kiddo (which she called me while on earth) I’m doing well.”

I relaxed as I felt her smiling presence and accepted the truth…you never lose anyone.

May you too relax into the truth…You Never Lose Anyone.

With all my love and appreciation,


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