Here’s a little that tickles my fancy.

  • An unexpected phone call from my sister or a friend
  • The scent of fresh cut grass or honeysuckle
  • Writing something totally unexpected – like a poem that just pours out of me
  • Cheesecake made with cream cheese
  • The witnessing of a client’s transition into full-on-living
  • A good cup of coffee
  • My husband’s smile of delight when he has a new idea
  • The invigorated feeling after exercising
  • Holding my cat
  • Music that stirs my soul and music that is light and fun
  • Sitting with one of my favorite decorating magazines
  • My village gatherings at farmer’s market and swap meets

So what tickles your fancy?

What makes you happy in the moment?

An excerpt about Happiness from my Plain Truth Divine messages…

 Happiness is not a by-product: So often people believe if they get this or that then they will be happy. They place their much wanted happiness on what they get, or achieve. Happiness is not a by-product of one’s success or attainment of things. Happiness comes from being present in the enjoyment of moment to moment living, and being true to oneself. When one is true to oneself and lives in appreciation for life’s moments, a well-spring of happiness bubbles and feelings of love, appreciation, adoration, and connection abound.

I would love to hear what tickles your fancy? What makes you happy in the moment? What’s fun for you?

I appreciate you.

In love, joy, and gratitude,


P.S. Hey friend, I’m creating my Plain Truth Divine messages into a book. I’ll keep you updated.

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