Yep, I’m as human as they come and I have doubts, but what I never doubt is my Connection.

My personal self may be shaky with doubt, but my Divine Self is always solid with trust.

Although I may doubt, any number of things about me, I never doubt the capability of the Divine that flows through me.

It’s my trust in my Connection to my Divine Self that allows me to move through my doubts and to do my work: To be of service in my Connection work – purely, soulfully, lovingly, and accurately…opening the way for life-transformations.

It’s in my trust that I AM able (graced) to be a vessel receiving Soulful Truth. And it’s in that trust that I turn for my own soul searching or when working with clients.

Because I know for truth that I can depend on my inner guidance, (my Divine Self) I’m grounded in that truth, and in that state of being grounded I experience the POWER and JOY of my (co-creative) gift.

In the state of co-creativity I get to share my gift (service), which is also my passion, and help others transform their lives.

Regardless of our self doubts we all have a larger SELF, a Divine Self, and if we are willing to trust and co-create with our Divine Self, our gifts will become evident

We all have Divine gifts, we are all co-creators, we are all graced.

In trusting in the Divine within us we open ourselves to unlimited possibilities (gifts), possibilities filled with Divinity.

Divinity: the wisdom that surpasses, the clarity that creates change, the love that is unfailing, the joy that is unbridled, the happiness that is unparalleled, the creativity that is magnificent – the inexhaustible reservoir of GOD within YOU!

 We are MORE THAN we imagine when we – TRUST.






How do you co-create and trust in your Divine gifts?

Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. I appreciate YOU!

Solid in Trust,



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