As you know I’m all about connecting, listening deeply, and abiding to Divine Wisdom, it’s what I base my work on.

Well after having my own Connecting session, some discoveries came to light.

My soulful discoveries:

  • I love working with people on a long-term basis (there’s nothing like being a witness to major soul-growth).
  • I sit in deep gratitude every time I connect someone with a deceased loved-one.
  • I adore working with groups.
  • I’m totally turned on when I facilitate workshops/retreats/classes.
  • And creating is like breathing to me…whether it’s writing a poem, blessing or prayer, post, short story, e-book, class, manual, or creating beauty in my home.

SO… since I espouse Truth, “The whole truth and nothing but the truth…”

And the wisdom of Shakespeare is reverberating in my ears, “To Thine own self be true…”

I HAVE to listen and turn over a new leaf… scary, exciting, heart-throbbing as it is…it is time to let you know about the changes I have made.

I have changed my work to reflect my soul.

I’ve begun to work with clients on a long-term yearly basis. The power of my work comes from the long-term engagement of you working with your soul.   It is my desire to help each person I work with to make a profound transformation in their life. I want every client I work with to experience the truth of their soul:  the peace, the miracles, more joy, more ease in living Divine Will, and the confidence of knowing you are walking in step with your soul’s purpose.

I encourage you to check out my website to read all about it:

Also I will be offering more workshops, classes and retreats, (some virtual).

And I will still continue to offer the work I do to Connect people with their deceased loved ones, both individually and in groups.

I’m in gratitude overflow to you, thank you…my cup runnenth over.

With love and appreciation,


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