I have what I like to refer to as my…everyday basics gratitude list.

My basics: Health, family, friends, God, the earth, work, a nice home, my adorable kitty and cute ducks, and of course, a good night’s rest.

But what about those unexpected moments/gifts that goes beyond the basics?

A smile or Aloha from a stranger…

The postman carrying my heavy package to the car…

A new recipe that turns out just right…


How about those learning moments…

Coming to a state of peace after processing through a tough issue…

Having a day where I tune in and honor my body moment to moment…

Experiencing a dream that reveals my “Hidden” side…


What about small miracles…

Thinking to myself, “It sure would be fun to find money,” then finding a wad of 1 dollar bills in front of the grocery store…

Seeing the numbers aligned on the clock, my favorite is 11:11…

Hearing a friend’s number in my head that I had not talked with for over 10 years, calling it and hearing my friend’s voice on the other end…

I could write pages (books really) why living in gratitude is the WAY, but I won’t, instead I’ll leave you with a quote from Zig Ziglar, who definitely understood serious gratitude.

“The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times.”

From my heart to yours, thank you for taking the time to read my posts.

In Gratitude,


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